
The combustion engine shakes and mumbles,
A thousand tiny parts touching and retracting
As the wheels spin and the dust circles up
Before settling down
As the vehicle is moving along.
The window is open and the air
Presses loudly through the gap,
The rabbits have scattered and are gone
Leaving their droppings on the side of the road
And the silhouette of a moose might be guessed at
But no more, the play of shadows is ethereal
But the shadows after all created by something material.
Every single piston breathes and wheezes
And pushes and pulls and acts,
Each leaf of grass hides an ant.
The foliage obscures the birds
But they’re there, wings folded and
Eyes twinkling and neck darting, ready to leap,
And the seat does not meekly receive the body,
But conducts the shock of every stone,
Every pit up into the spine
That is itself buzzing with electricity
To keep the legs moving to keep
The combustion engine shaking.
And the cows that have stared in mute terror
At the butcher’s, and the millions
Of years that created long
Chains out of the fluttering wings of a nervous
Orange butterfly, and the hydrogen fusion
Creating sunlight, creating warmth
In the forest, on the road and in the car.
And a vision of the sun as a star
In distant, distant galaxies


As I press my fingers into my closed eyes
I tense, hold my breath in my chest
And with eyes closed I focus on
Two sets of images, one – flashes of
Light and fog and patterns that fade and flex,
Skulls perhaps float past the inside of
My eyelids, so I press down harder
And the cranium collapses into stars.
The other set of images is exteriors,
Expressions and clothes, the red hat of an octogenarian
In a black coat,
The flash in the eyes of a girl as she curls her knees
Towards her chest, her body for a moment a seashell,
The stretching curve of a bridge
A cat in dusty indoors sunshine,
Fingers obscuring closed eyes,
My back a limp arch.


If I had been a ghost
(these are dangerous thoughts)
I would wear a pee-stained sheet
And cry crocodile tears
And steal ice cream from street vendors.
I would race the escaping helium balloons
And stare down kittens
And steal diapers from the elderly.
If I had been a ghost
(goes my fantasy)
I would come to you late at night
And be your blanket and tell you that everything
Is all right in the end.


Think of Thor before you hear thunder,
Fill the silence after the flash
With mead and dance and laughter,
Blood-vows and bellows and pain in your shoulder
As it is twisted out of joint,
Fill it with hugs and tears and the smell of
Comrades and women and girls,
In the aftermath of the sharply angled brilliance
Envision the curves and sinews of firm muscles
Suspended in movement
And pearls of salt sweat down the small of your back.
But even more,
Thor of the Thunders,
Who lost his hammer in the underworld
And dressed like fair Frey, in lace
And frills and a bridal veil
Barely containing the bushy beard,
In order to get his manly weapon back.
Think of a God in woman’s clothing
After your teeth glisten with lightning
And before your marrow is displaced by thunder.

The Land Between

“O my land,
O my people,”
For I, who have neither land nor people
And live on the ragged arc of light between the nations,
Whose breath draws in the soda pop fizzle of the static,
And that only:
Let the bell-chimes of the pastures wash over me
Let the warmth of coffee-cups in December
Seep through my gloves.
For I, who reach towards the heart –
And find but smoke and mirrors
And the empty click of days spent apart –
Nothing eases the mind of one who wants to be consoled
About the lack of ease of mind,
“O,” my pathos
Cannot be grounded in solid earth, cannot be supported by the firmament,
O my grief cannot breathe nor be born,
But for the snap of the light on the screen,
In the towers, in the air and in the corn.
O my land, beneath and beyond and between,
O my people.


A richly decorated Roman column, repainted in -95,
Having weathered one millennium eight centuries
Let it speed back through time.
The paint ripping itself loose and contracting
Into flowers into earth and a million
Parts of a million lives and the water
Circulating so fast it appears to be
Standing still.
And the stone jumping into the soil
And drawing a single deep breath
And diving down
Towards the heat, not really separate
From the vast layers of pure rock everywhere
But swimming nonetheless beneath
The crust faster and faster and then
Reaching the heart and melting
Then the unfathomable state of being melted.
Then reverse the reversation
And twist spin dance world
Ever unchanging change uncapturable by constants
A column.

Unscientific Apocalyptic Vision

Mirror-black reflection rising
Over the pebble-ladened beach,
Trickling into tiny streams,
Following the country roads,
Covering the country roads,
Brown bark slowly submerged
Under starkly silent creeping seas.
Kids jumping from the third floor,
The large splash spraying the lamp-post
With salt, then silence.
Climb up on your desk, claw
Against the ceiling, drown.
The shapes sinking through the water, down,
Finding the asphalt with an echoing sound
– Nothing there, flow back up.
Autumn leaves following the current,
Colourful confetti mingling with the herring,
Whales smash into the store-fronts,
And the antennas peer up over the
Surface, staring towards empty skies.
And after the wetness, dryness,
The limp crackle of dust on
An undisturbed surface with uneven hills
And broken crags of brown rust
That welcome nobody but the breeze and the gust.
And then the scuttle of tiny feet
Returning after the long retreat.


Kafka once said that the greatest man is he
Who inflicts more damage on the world than the world
Inflicts on him. So it may be,
And in this case the sail of history has unfurled
In such a way that there are no more great men left.
As our thoughts around some idea lie curled,
We are really doing nothing but commiting the theft
And destruction of a concept that has been hurled
At our mind by chance. And we are bereft
Of independence, our skin is too thin,
The unrelenting avalanche has left our skull cleft,
And we cannot help but commit the sin
Of not being ourselves but merely a second-rate screen
On which the nerves of, say, Eliot patter and preen.